Fabio Dolce

Fabio Dolce (Italy) was born in Sicily, where he began his ballet training after several years of competitive Latin ballroom. He completed his ballet studies at the National Academy of Rome, before joining the Cannes Jeune Ballet, where he danced works by choreographers including George Balanchine, Jean-Christophe Maillot, Carolyn Carlson, Marc Ribaud and Edward Cook. He then joined the CCN Ballet de Lorraine, where he danced for nine years, performing a varied repertoire of works by choreographers including William Forsythe, Twyla Tharp, Merce Cunningham, Bronislava Nijinska, Steven Petronio, Adonis Foniadakis and Emanuel Gat. He is now a freelance dance artist working internationally. Fabio joined DeNada Dance Theatre in 2017 for the company's second national tour of Ham and Passion, where he dances the roles of Anna (Passionaria) and Maria (O Maria). 

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